From Gail's Talk

Here are a few excerpts from Ernest Holmes’ past speeches, written works, and books published, and were taken from the Science of Mind Archives.

“Ernest Holmes spent a lifetime concerned with and involved with prayer and meditation. Perhaps his greatest contribution to the world was the technique of scientific prayer, which he called "spiritual mind treatment." In an article in the January 1929 issue of Science of Mind Magazine entitled "Treatment – What, Why and How," Ernest offered an explanation of this technique” (Archives, 2014).

“A treatment is for the purpose of changing one's own consciousness, not to change the attitude of God” (Archives, 2014).

• Quiet the mind…

• …and definitely state that faith and understanding are present.

• Mentally state and spiritually feel that a conscious and constructive Presence pervades all life.

• Affirm that the Spirit wills to respond and that It does respond.

• Sit quietly and believe.

• Now state your desire as simply as possible, using only such words as have a real meaning to you.

• Never try to use other people's thought.

• You are alone with Cause, see to it that no denial of this thought enters your mind.

• As simply as you can, create a definite acceptance in the mind that you are being guided into paths of peace and abundance.

• Feel a response in your thought,

• Feel that what you state is the truth about yourself.

• Affirm that you accept and believe and receive.

Archives, S. O. (2014). Retrieved 12 07, 2014, from Science of Mind Foundation: Where the Past Illuminates the Future:

Holmes, E. (1963). Science Of Mind. Los Angeles: Science of Mind Publication.